Beyond Believed is a distinctive digital ally and resource hub for survivors of sexual assault, established in 2021 following an extensive two-year research effort that amassed over 100 resources. These resources encompass crisis centers across all US states, cost-effective online therapy services, legal aid, and beyond.

The platform was conceived to tackle the pressing need for more robust support and readily available information for survivors. It’s designed to mitigate distressing experiences, streamline the search for help, and offer tailored support through the upcoming launch of an AI chatbot, thereby empowering individuals on their path to recovery with accessible and personalized assistance.

The project has been acclaimed, with two Anthem Awards for Product Innovation. My contributions were recognized with the Young Leader of the Year award in 2022 and a spot on the Seattle Inno Under 25 list of emerging innovators in 2021. Currently, I’m pursuing an MBA at HULT on a part-time basis, aiming to secure funding and enhance my business acumen, which complements my full-time role by blending business insight with design expertise to create superior products.


Business Development

→ October 2023 - Today